Welcome to Life of Rhythm

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“Learning to live a life of slowness, simplicity and sustainable rhythm, leads us to discover a way to live life in all it’s fullness.”

Simon Black – Christian Life Coach and Founder of Life of Rhythm
Simon Black - Christian Life Coach

Jesus said, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].

John 10:10 (Amplified Bible)

What does is to mean to have an abundant life, or life in all its fullness?

I’ve learnt during my lifetime that fulfilment, happiness, contentment, abundance, whatever term you choose to adopt, comes not from having all the freedom in the world or from owning more and more stuff, but from building my life around God.  Understanding that I am loved, that I am full of creativity and potential and created with a purpose that goes beyond the life that I have built for myself – these are the things that bring me TRUE fulfilment and abundance.

society worships freedom and busyness

Our society worships freedom and pursues happiness through experiences and material things.  It will always seek the instant thrill, the quick fix, the microwave answer, very rarely committing for the long term.  Busyness and chaos are the norm.  After all there’s always something more to do or achieve.

But even a quick look at the life of Jesus will clearly show that His way was so often opposite to the cultural norm, or expected response.  In His upside down Kingdom what we think matters gets turned on it’s head!

Jesus kingdom is an upside down kingdom

Slow down and notice

If only we could slow down for long enough to notice and to listen!

We have all built a life for ourselves. We have designed it through the choices we have made, our past experiences and beliefs about who we are, our beliefs as to who God is and what He thinks about us.  And right now, in this present moment, we exist in that space – It’s our life!

Build your life around God

But Jesus offers us a life full of abundance. What does that look like to you?  Is it even something that feels real or attainable?

Build your life around God

Live life to the full

So journey with me and discover that to be truly FREE we need to recognise and understand the deepest longings of our heart, to pursue them with an intentionality that blurs out the noise of our culture, that embraces the truth that we are loved, that boundaries are good, to rediscover some of the ancient wisdom around living our lives with rhythm.

A life of rhythm ultimately sets us free. It guards us against constant busyness, over-work and stress. It allows us to explore who we truly are, the things that really matter to us. It makes space for creativity and for enjoyment of the simple things.

In a nutshell it aids us in living a life of simplicity, slowness and intentionality.

Check out the links below to discover more –